BRASIL CINEMUNDI – International Coproduction Meeting is the market event for Brazilian cinema. It is part of the schedule of Mostra CineBH – Belo Horizonte International Film Festival and reaches its 15th edition from 24 – 29 September 2024, consolidated as a market environment and a business network platform for Brazilian cinema in exchange with the world. An unprecedented space and platform in the country, totally focused on stimulating the relationship between directors and producers, with the aim of enhancing the Brazilian presence in the co-production market worldwide. 

Since 2010, on the verge of completing 15 years of existence, we can see that Brasil CineMundi is a pioneering event in its concept and action. It has reached results that prove and favor:

  • the promotion and insertion of Brazilian cinema in the global market
  • the training and qualification of professionals in the audiovisual sector,
  • the creation of opportunities and investments in new talents,
  • the articulation and presence of selected projects that became films and reached the screens of Brazil and the world, signed partnerships in co-production and had their avant-première sessions in the festivals that integrate the Cinema without Borders (Cinema Sem Fronteiras) program (Tiradentes, CineOP and CineBH) promoted by Universo Produção, as well as the international circuit.

The purpose of the event is to present Brazilian feature film projects to the market, facilitating connections between productions and the international market through productive partnerships and the exchange of information and actions.

For the current edition, the selection committee has chosen 38 projects divided into five categories. There are 33 projects in development: 10 in the Horizonte category (representing the horizon of themes, diversity and creation of Brazilian audiovisual), 6 in DocBrasil Meeting (focused on documentaries), 7 in Foco Minas (exclusive for projects from Minas Gerais state) and 10 in Paradiso Multiplica (a partnership with Projeto Paradiso, talent incubator). 5 projects were selected in the WIP – Primeiro Corte (First Cut) category, dedicated to feature films in post-production. The projects were selected by a committee composed of national and international collaborators: Gudula Meinzolt (Switzerland), Ivan Melo (Brazil), Paulo de Carvalho (Germany), Pedro Butcher (Brazil), Séverine Roinssard (France) and Cecília Gabrielan from Universo Produção. All projects chosen for Brasil CineMundi participate in the CineMundi Lab – training program – and will have access to a development lab, Audience Design workshop, script mentoring, specialized consulting, masterclasses, case studies, debates and market panels. In the business roundtables, the producers and directors of the participating projects have individual meetings with national and international professionals, invited by the event. They are interested in co-production and audiovisual sales worldwide.

Among those invited to participate in Brasil CineMundi are producers interested in co-producing with Brazil, sales agents, distributors, tutors, representatives of financing funds, international festival programmers, as well as national co-producers and representatives of important players in multimedia circulation, such as streaming platforms and television.

The program also maintains partnerships with national and international institutions and funds to encourage co-production, development and support, which distribute prizes that are an incentive to participate in other market and development events. This year’s partners are Burning (Colombia), Conecta (Chile), DocSP (Sao Paulo), French Embassy in Brazil, FIDBA – Buenos Aires International Documentary Festival (Argentina), Goethe Institut (Germany), MAFF – Málaga Festival Fund & Co Production Event (Spain), Nuevas Miradas (Cuba), Parati Films (France), Projeto Paradiso (Brazil), RIDM – Montreal International Documentary Festival (Canada), Ventana Sur (Uruguay) and World Cinema Fund (Germany). In addition to those, some companies and institutions from the Brazilian audiovisual industry, such as DOT, Mistika, Naymovie, O2 Pós, The End, offer awards in materials and services with the aim of contributing and encouraging the production or completion of the projects.

The event also offers a wide and free program, structured around four main lines of action:


An international co-production meeting with individual business roundtables, aimed at expanding business between the Brazilian and international markets, with the participation of international professionals interested in establishing constructive partnerships that can materialize in co-productions and cooperation in the short term or in possible future projects.

Throughout its annual editions, one can see the international impacts generated by Brasil CineMundi, which has favored the co-production and internationalization of Brazilian audiovisual.


Laboratories, workshops, mentoring, consulting, case studies, debates and panels are promoted in order to provide conceptual and practical tools for professionals. These are training and technical activities that provide opportunities for the qualification and exchange for professionals in the audiovisual sector and related areas.


The program includes screenings of films for different audiences, commented sessions and presentation of case studies of co-production films aimed at projecting and disseminating Brazilian productions in dialogue with the audiovisual market. The event also provides audience design actions and promotes a reflexive gaze at the works on display, as well as promoting audiovisual dialogues and establishing international partnerships for the dissemination and promotion of the Brazilian product.


The event establishes a connection between Brazilian professionals and the international market, promoting relationships that favors and encourages dialogues and international meetings with professionals in the sector. They are representatives of institutions, festivals, market events, investment funds and actions that can contribute to the strengthening, professionalization and development of the sector, as well as to the diversification of voices and gazes that can generate effective results.