The proposal is to discuss the profound changes that the audiovisual industry is undergoing, driven by technological advances and new forms of consumption. The impact of streaming platforms, the reinvention of movie theaters, strategies for partnership, release and programming, and the adoption of technologies such as artificial intelligence will be debated. In addition, the debate will focus on the trends that will shape the future of the sector, aiming to understand how the market is transforming and innovating to adapt to a constantly evolving scenario.



Antônio Gonçalves Júnior – producer at Grafo Audiovisual | PR

Camila Lamha – content acquisition and projects coordinator at Canal Brasil | RJ  

Camila Daher Fink responsible for management, curation and programming at Itaú Cultural Play | SP

Márcia Vaz – programmer at Moreira Salles Institute | SP

Maurício Hirata – investments director at Riofilme | RJ 

Vinícius Lobo – film curator at Globo Filmes | RJ 


Moderator: Pedro Butcher – collaborator of Brasil CineMundi | RJ