Latin American cinema is increasingly marked by the travel of films and filmmakers to festival screenings, to study, to take part in development laboratories and industry meetings. The internationalization of experiences and the co-productions between companies from different countries are considered as an expansion of possibilities for films and careers. The participants will answer: What are your impressions and international experiences regarding your international creations and co-productions at this time? How have you broadened your horizons? What funds and laboratories have you accessed throughout your career? Does internationalization have its price?



    • Barbara Marcel – director and producer of Suraras | Brazil
    • Ernesto Jara Vargas – director of Altamar | Costa Rica
    • Ivette Liang – head of the Production chair at Nuevas Miradas | Cuba/Colombia
    • Juan Pablo Polanco Carranza – director of Carro Pasajero | Colombia
    • Luana Melgaço – partner at Anavilhana and producer of Praia Formosa | Brazil

Moderator: Paulo de Carvalho – producer and collaborator of Brasil CineMundi | Germany