The discussion will include new financing, partnership and distribution formats that are emerging in the market, and how they can be used to strengthen the audiovisual sector. How is the audiovisual industry adapting to technological changes, new market demands and the internationalization of productions? How can we take advantage of new market opportunities, and how can we build business models that meet the demands of an increasingly diverse and connected audience?


    • Cosimo Santoro – world sales at The Open Reel | Italy
    • Leonardo Ordóñez – advisor at Maff/Festival de Málaga | Spain/Chile
    • Letícia Friedrich – producer and distributor at Vitrine Filmes | Brazil 
    • Meinolf Zurhorst – tutor and chairman of the selection committee at Luxemburg Film Fund | Germany/Luxemburg


Moderator: Pedro Butcher – collaborator of Brasil CineMundi | Brazil